Metaphor Images
"Choose an image that represents..."
This routine can be used in many situations such as a SEL debrief, learning a new topic, a current event/news item, sharing a group experience like a field trip or guest speaker or other situations. Spread out images and ask students to find one that describes how they’re feeling about ____ or how the image connects to ____. |
Why this is important
One of the skills within higher order thinking is connection-making. We are predisposed to make connections between ideas/feelings and images. Students will hear multiple perspectives on the same topic but explained through different images and connections. These discussions often spark new ‘aha!’ moments either within a student or in conversation as new connections are realized. Routines like this support being collaborative, divergent thinkers who communicate ideas clearly and reflect on others’ perspectives.
One of the skills within higher order thinking is connection-making. We are predisposed to make connections between ideas/feelings and images. Students will hear multiple perspectives on the same topic but explained through different images and connections. These discussions often spark new ‘aha!’ moments either within a student or in conversation as new connections are realized. Routines like this support being collaborative, divergent thinkers who communicate ideas clearly and reflect on others’ perspectives.